Simulation and Optimization

Less reactive, more predictive: through simulation and optimization, project market movements with Aprix AI. Optimize price analyses automatically and maximize operating results.

Main advantages

Speed of readjustment with assertive pricing

Aprix’s artificial intelligence technology uses dynamic forecasting models that learn patterns by cross-referencing historical data and new decisions, allowing for the simulation and optimization of increasingly accurate scenarios.

Aprix - simulação e otimização

Principais vantagens

Velocidade no reajuste com preços assertivos

A tecnologia de inteligência artificial da Aprix utiliza modelos de previsão dinâmicos, que aprendem padrões a partir do cruzamento de dados históricos e de novas decisões, permitindo a simulação de cenários cada vez mais precisos.

Overcome your challenges with Aprix

It’s common for pricing teams not to know how to operationalize their objectives efficiently with the tools they have. With Aprix software, the pricing team can simulate scenarios with AI technology before they happen. This helps them answer key questions and achieve the desired objectives. See how the functionalities of the Aprix system turn these challenges into opportunities for your company:


Poor understanding of demand's reaction to price changes

It is common for companies to have some kind of sales forecast, but often these forecasts are basic or statistically incoherent, with very low accuracy rates. In addition, forecasting sales performance associated with new prices is a complex challenge, as it presupposes a deep understanding of the behavior of demand associated with price changes, or the behavior of that demand. In practice, this implies decisions based on subjective perceptions of the market.

Aprix solution

Calculating price elasticity with AI

To generate sales forecasts, the simulation and optimization module uses artificial intelligence to statistically model historical customer demand by calculating direct and cross price elasticities of demand. These models can take into account other market variables, such as competitors’ prices and variations in input costs. In addition, all projections are constantly checked against the results obtained, ensuring that the models are improved with each new round of pricing.


Difficulty in estimating the impact of decisions

It is common for companies to make pricing decisions without knowing the real extent of the impact on operational results. In this sense, you later find out whether it was a good pricing decision or not, by observing the results of the movement. The negative impact on the operating margin becomes irreversible in this context.

Aprix solution

Simulation of price scenarios

The Simulation and Optimization module allows you to simulate pricing decisions through scenarios on the platform, projecting the impact on the company’s P&L based on elasticity models, that is, statistical demand forecast calculations.

This enables accurate predictive analysis of the financial consequences of pricing strategies, facilitating informed decision-making and maximizing financial results.


Complexidade das decisões em escala

Mesmo com equipes qualificadas analiticamente, realizar o processo de análise manualmente no portfólio de uma grande companhia, com centenas de milhares de preços a serem definidos em diversas regiões, canais e categorias, é humanamente impossível.

A fim de viabilizar e simplificar o processo de precificação, são criadas regras de preços que não capturam todas as oportunidades disponíveis por não envolverem uma decisão granular, deixando valor no mercado.

Aprix solution

Otimização inteligente das decisões de preço

O módulo Simulação e Otimização realiza a otimização dos preços a serem aplicados, levando em consideração as condições do mercado e as regras de negócio estabelecidas, com o objetivo de maximizar o lucro e/ou o volume de vendas.

Tudo isso é feito a partir de inputs de objetivos de negócio que são gerados pelos próprios usuários do sistema. Esses inputs servirão como limites para o sistema, além de serem o objetivo da otimização. A saída é uma lista de preços que contempla o cenário construído pelo usuário da maneira mais eficiente, conforme a Inteligência Artificial apontou.

Make the pricing decisions that maximize your profitability

Contact our team and find out how to simulate customized scenarios to achieve your results.

Discover all the modules of the Aprix pricing system